XBL GamerTag: -
PSN Account: Fehnrir
Name: Fabian Blietz
Rang: Neutron 2. Vorstand
Geboren: 17.06.1986
Wohnort: Schwäbisch Gmünd
Dabei seit: 17.02.2014
Zocken angefangen mit: Schneider CPC 464
Motto: Nur Original ist Legal!
Playstation 3
Dante, Snake, Kratos, Ryu, Ein
Beat'em up, Shoot'em up, Jump'n run, Racing, Ego shooter, Adventures, RPG
Naughty Dog, Rockstar,
God of War(PS2,PS3), Metal Gear Solid(PS1-PS3), Uncharted 1-3(PS3), Final Fantasy 7(PS1), Secret of Mana(SNES).........
Secret of Mana, Super Mario, Pilot Wings, Super Mario Allstars
Nintendo 64
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time, Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium.........
Plastation 1
Ehrgeiz, Final Fantasy 7, Street Fighter Ex Plus Alpha, Ghost in the Shell, Vagrant Story, Destruction Derby.....
Playstation 2
Street Fighter Anthology, God of War1,2, Gran Turismo 3,4, Grand Theft Auto 3, Prince of Persia, Der Herr der Ringe die zwei Türme, Der Herr der Ringe die Rückkehr des Königs, Soul Calibur 2,3, Zone of the Enders, Zone of the Enders The second Runner, Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 3....
Playstation 3
Uncharted 2,3, God of War 3, Ressitance fall of man 1,2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge, Soulcalibur 4,5, Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter 4, Grand Theft Auto 4,5, Red Dead Redemption, Walking Dead......
Playstation Portable
Ghost in the Shell Stand alone Complex, Final Fantasy Crisis Core, Dissidia Duodesim 012......
Minecraft, Sim City 4, Vindictus, League of Legend